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I am not wise. Indeed, every day that passes I realise how much I still have to learn. The person who believes he is wise is suffering from the disease of conceit, which is a false sense of pride. And we all know what a false sense of pride comes before!? I am a lyricist and I always try to write from the heart with 100% passion. In this way, I hope that my words through my songs will somehow inspire others. Words are powerful living entities, so I forever strive for truth in what I write. Below, are some of the more philosophical extracts from my lyrics. I hope that they will instigate thought & contemplation in whoever should read them. I also hope that they represent truth, for I have lived every moment of what I have written. However, I must concede that all my words have been influenced & inspired by all those great writers & thinkers who have preceded me. For this is the true order of things.
Jayl - Gloucester, England - 2002
"Providence reigns she's the Queen of fate, sometimes she's early & sometimes she's late."
"He who dares will win for sure, get off your arse and go for more!"
"Never be afraid of silence. Never be afraid to see what it looks like."
"Be you, relinquish, let the child in you thrive, for the world on the outside erodes the inside."
"Are the answers the same as the reasons? We speak of he who dares, the cross she bears on the wings of the world."
"So if we want to keep love pure, with a force that will endure, we must specialize in space and it will grow..... if we're lucky."
"And do you subscribe, cut it down, watch your back & believe.... be free of this strife, don't enter their cave. Oh how can you know if your fortune will show? You must simply concede .... that you're needing to breathe."

"At first I thought we had control, the day was crisp the night had soul. The moon was new, we caught his grin 'cos something awesome was about to begin!"


"Be the Star of my movie, I can be yours. We'll be dancing and kissing and crashing through walls!" "Some of us know we've got a sorcerer's law ... It's a big fat war!"
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